I touch this with my hand, I touch that with my eye
Artists book with an essay by David Campany.
A collection of photographs taken over a period of 5 years.
The book unfolds a specific visual language, it has dialects and accents, it is a sketch book and a punctuation. It is a pointer and a point of reference.
Dennis focuses our attention on the residue of our built environment and that of her studio. She documents derelict spaces, waste and decay focusing on materiality, surface and paint. The book acts as a hand book to her practice of reusing and reimagining as a way of interrogating notions of temporality and nostalgia. The book contains an essay written by David Campany in response to Dennis’ work.
In this first print run of 100 books, there is a numbered edition of 30 books in a hand sown tarpaulin sleeve, made by the artist.
Each of this special edition books contain two unique painted acetate inserts, and a limited edition print ‘Grime’* from the Yard series 2019.
Self Published by Jo Dennis 2020.